By clicking the login button and registering, I agree that my data may be collected, processed and used by Inspiron Production ( for the following purposes:

  • Guest management at the Fashion Show presented by Marc Cain GmbH on 02.07.2024
  • The sending a confirmation/rejection e-mail after registration
  • Dispatch of a QR code incl. e-mail from 28.06.2024 bis 02.07.2024
  • Admission/check-in on 02.07.2024 in Berlin

The data will be kept until revocation within the legal retention periods, but deleted at the latest on 05.07.2024.

I have been informed that my personal data collected in the context of the above-mentioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the GDPR.

I have also been informed that the collection, processing and use of my data is voluntary. Furthermore that I can refuse my consent without adverse consequences for me or revoke it at any time with effect for the future.

I will address my declaration of revocation to: Inspiron Production
Gilles Bouillot, Luegplatz 4, 40545 Düsseldorf;
In the event of revocation, my data will be deleted by Inspiron Production
upon receipt of my declaration of revocation.